Welcome to visit Triumph Equipment's booth at the "14th China Textile Academic Conference"

Welcome to visit Triumph Equipment's booth at the "14th China Textile Academic Conference"

Conference Date: 2024.10.25 ~ 2024.10.27

Address: No. 77 Huizhou Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province  WUHU MACROLINK LEGEND HOTEL 

Triumph Equipment's booth: NO. 07

Welcome you to visit our booth for on-site investigation and communication, we hope that our lab equipment products can help and serve your scientific research projects, looking forward to your arrival!

Triumph Equipment Manufacturing (Yantai) Co., Ltd.

Tel: +86 535 3127755

Email:  info@kmd-triumph.com

Website: www.kmd-triumph.com

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